Against the Empire, Level 3

Last edited by DesmontMcCallock
Sat, 14 Jul 2012 07:29 UTC

Faction: Amarr
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: EM, Therm
Recommended damage dealing: Therm, EM
Recommended ships: Drake

Upon warp-in there are 2 ship wrecks. When within 10k the ship wrecks the spawning starts. Upon destuction of some of the ships, others spawn.

Single Pocket

ships auto aggro as they spawn
15x Destroyers (Imperial Caius/Deacon/Exarp/Felix/Paladin)
8x Cruisers (Imperial Agatho/Donus/Templar Agatho)
3x Battlecruisers (Imperial Avenger/Justicar)

The 2 ship wrecks which each contain 23 crew members.

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This is the first page I have created so hopefully it is helpful. I didn't have time to list each spawn individually. Can do if I ever get this mission again.
-- Mousy1 (2008-09-22 21:55:12)
The ship wrecks with the survivors in them are "guarded". Even if you have a friend/alt run distraction, the game absolutely will not allow you to open the ship wrecks to get the survivors out until you destroy whichever Amarrian NPC is designated as the guard. Additionally, one of the Amarrian ships is a trigger for Mission Completion, so the mission can't be turned in without destroying the ship.

This was a mission my alt accepted. My main warped in to destroy the NPCs and collect the survivors and hand them over to my alt. My alt turned in the mission and tried to share rewards with my main. My main got a 0.5401% increase with Core Complexion for the mission and a total of -0.0245% loss with the Amarr Empire for "Combat - Ship Kill". My alt got 14.375% with Core Complexion and 5.75% with Minmatar Republic.
-- SeamusDonohue (2010-01-19 22:08:41)
@Mousy1: Yes, it is helpful, thanks!

I also found I could not loot before killing guards.
-- MikeS (2010-10-10 04:33:22)
I had to kill all the ships to complete the mission.
+14.8273% with corp
+5.9309% with faction
-2.0919% with Amarr, Derived Modification
-0.018% with Amarr, Combat - Ship Kill
-- PatyrnRunner (2011-04-10 08:43:53)
its not bad if it is your first time
-- UnunoctiumAvuli (2011-06-26 19:14:47)
Completed on 10-03-2013
Standing gains and losses:
+18.8571% with corporation
+6.60% with faction
-3.3115% with Amarr (ouch!)
-0.011% with Amarr for Combat - Ship kill
The numbers are a bit different than what other people were reporting, I would have declined the mission if I had known the Amarr standing loss was that big to be honest.
-- MaegwinBeregrund (2013-03-10 10:03:02)
Forgot some standing losses:
-1.3320% Caldari, Derived Modification
-4.4797% Ammatar Mandate, Derived Modification
-- MaegwinBeregrund (2013-03-10 10:36:16)
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