Cargo Delivery, The Blitz

General blitz for all missions: You don't have to trigger the second spawn to complete the mission.

Note: The old method of buying the Quafe Ultra from the market does not work anymore, you are forced to pick up the goods in order to trigger the first spawn and complete the mission.


MWD are allowed in this mission now. Any basic frig with a Microwarpdrive (1 cycle is all that is needed) will propel you to the warehouse where you can scoop the drinks and leave (quickyl, as the picking up will trigger Spawn 1). There is no need to worry about any NPCs until after you remove items from the warehouse. A shuttle will do just as well, if less quickly.

Edit: I do this in a Dramiel all the time. Dual propping makes it so even if the mission changes/scramble occurs, you can GTFO with no worries after grabbing the Quafe.
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Confirming the blitz in the shuttle trick (and thank you for sharing that one!)

Popped into the mission in a mimi shuttle, set a direct course for the Quafe, and warped out with cargo after taking about 50% armor damage. Gotta move quick!
-- MrSean (2009-06-03 16:11:23)
Suggest you glance at the Cargo Delivery, LvL 4, Serpentis documentation for other Blitz comments--very complete. Also note my comment towards the bottom, makes things easier; though, if you can cloak, the above technique would work as well.
-- JackUnderhill (2009-06-23 02:20:21)
Did this in a shuttle vs Serpentis. Even with the frigates in the first spawn orbiting at 7.5km they did zero damage.
-- KhanaLoaris (2009-08-09 06:42:38)
The easiest way to do this is to tell the ship to orbit the can at 500m. That way you don't stop (and thus take damage). Done this thousands of times and never taken armour damage.
-- LothrosAndastar (2009-08-14 16:05:50)
There is an even easier way without risking getting shot at. Purchase the required Quafe and place it in your agents home station prior to accepting the mission. Now accept the mission, fly to the objective, and approach the warehouse until Group 1 spawns. The missions objective will now automatically complete. Return to station and complete the mission.
-- DutchNeworleanian (2010-02-19 03:52:27)
Seems like a new development for this mission. If I had looked I would have seen the ship that did it but they scrammed my faction AM on my Drake fro 457 m/s down to 42.5 m/s. My tank held fine but they threw a lot of DPS.
-- AusDog (2010-03-09 08:58:19)
It's pretty easy actually, I finished it with a Probe fitted with overdrive injections and a cloaking device. The rats don't spawn until you uncloak and you can get away beofre they lock you.
-- SavasaanTodaro (2010-04-04 13:02:32)
R and L Electronics has a AH4
R&L has a link to the Eham review on the AH4 here.
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