Crowd Control, Level 4 StoryLine

Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission type: Encounter (Storyline)
Space type: Deadspace (Single Pocket)
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Web+scramble: Elite Federation Lochos
Sensor Dampening: Federation Navis Longa
Neuts: Federation Praktor Erenus
Recommended damage dealing: Therm, Kinetic
Recommended ships classes: Golem, Sniping Ship, Heavy Tank Ship (e.g. Tengu) or a HAC/T3 to speed-tank

Single Pocket

Initially there will be a small group of 4 battleships with some frigates close by.
Two much larger groups with many battleships will be 200km away.

At first only the initial group will aggro, but eventually several groups of ships from the Distant Group will "warp" (spawn) to your position and engage. (One group remained passively for me.)

Group 1

Distance: 25-50km
3x Battleships (Federation Navis Longa) -Light sensor Dampening.
1x Battleship (Federation Covinus)
1x Federation/Gallente Commander (Federation Praktor Hyperion/Magister) Mission Objective - Kill to complete
9x Frigates (Federation Matara, Federation Praktor Belos, Federation Arcus)

Distant Groups (2 groups, but they warp in sychronization)

Distance: 200-250km, they warp to 25-50km
10x Battleships (Federation Helepolis, Federation Covinus)
12x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Arx, Praktor Bearcus, Pezos, Praeco)
3x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Erenus) - Medium Neuts on each. They have microwarps so they will get to you very fast.
12x Cruisers (Federation Praktor Centurion, Nauclarius, Praktor Hippeus, Praktor Ouragos, Praktor Optioon, Praktor Legionarius) Sensor Dampening
1x Frigate (Elite Federation Lochos) Web and Scram

Passive group (stayed at their distant position and did not engage until agressed)

6x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Arx, Praktor Bearcus, Pezos, Praeco)
2x Battleships (Federation Helepolis, Federation Covinus)

Blitz: Kill the Commander and the mission will be complete.

Standings: 0.2% loss per standing tick, and you should not take more than 45 minutes (3 ticks), negligible compared to the derived standing loss (around 3%)

Tags ( worth about 30m ):
3x Federation Navy Command Sergeant Major I
18x Federation Navy Fleet Captain I
14x Federation Navy Fleet Colonol I
2x Federation Navy Fleet Colonol II
26x Federation Navy Fleet Major I
6x Federation Navy Midshipman III
1x Federation Navy Sergeant I
5x Federation Navy Sergeant II
1x Federation Navy Sergeant III

Tip: Incoming DPS is comparable to a L5 mission (beyond 1000 dps easily on a battleship hull), but you can stay out of their effective range (which is below 60 km) and snipe them. As this is deadspace you can not warp to bookmarks - you would land on the warpin-beacon anyway - but you can warp to range of a bookmark (any bookmark in the mission deadspace will work) and land at the chosen range from the warpin-beacon. Start flying away when they get into their effective range and pick them off.

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Dealing EM damage did not work very well, got much better results with Kin.
-- KlippiesCoke (2011-02-13 15:08:16)
Kin and therm are standard for use against federation ships...i dont know who added the EM bit in.
-- Ryuyasha11 (2011-02-25 13:13:10)
Blitz: Confirmed killing Federation Commander (Federation Praktor Hyperion) completed the mission. It took only nine volleys of six Wrath cruise missiles to take him down. While I was in a heavily tanked Navy Scorpion, it seemed that the DPS was rather light and the two large groups never began their run at me before I warped off.
At least for blitz, other than the normal derived modification hit (it was -5.7525 for me), there is only a negligible faction standing hit of -.02% for killing the Federation Commander. It would be good to get a total for the whole room.
-- FozzyDorsai (2011-03-20 11:22:49)
Confirmed, also it's not under names, but under types when looking for "Federation Praktor Hyperion". Nothing scrams as far as I cud tell, easy mission... lame rewards, if you have low galentte standings.
-- FulmarMusic (2011-03-24 11:41:54)
I did the whole room in a über faction/deadspace pimped sniper Mael. Easy as pie when done at 60+ kms, but it took 20 mins popping holes in that many BS rats.

Rewards were 4 mill for mish reward (I have Negotiation 5 and max standings though) and a whoopin' 40 mill in tags (mainly from 14 Colonel tags at 2,4 mill a pop).

Standing hits were as follows (I have Social 5 though):
+25% in corp standing
+8,75% in faction standing
-6,748% in derived Gallente faction standing (intersting trivia: compared to Fozzy's numbers, it seems that Social 5 ADDS to the negative derived standing too. Sucks...)
-0,02% * 2 Gallente faction for the ship kill(s) (since it took more than the 15 min standing aggregated update, I got two times the -0,02%. Conclusion: DON'T blitz it! It's silly loosing all those nifty tags for the price of a measly 0,02% standing hit.)
-- BesBin (2011-04-16 07:09:35)
After killing group 1, the far groups never came to me even after waiting 10min, they just chilled at 250km. I had to MWD my machariel over to them. Although the size of the blob was intimidating, their entire damage output felt like single BS from around 40km, mission may have been bugged. Took over 2 ticks to finish due to confusion and travel time, but dropped 69M worth of tags.
-- EsotericMind (2011-10-25 19:58:27)
I killed the Commander and every frigate and nothing ever warped to me. Random chance on each kill of a warp-in, perhaps?
-- JasonTroi (2012-11-25 01:51:43)
R and L Electronics has a FT8900R
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RandL has link to Manufacturer info on the FT8900R here.
R&L has a link to the Eham review on the FT8900R here.
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