Duo of Death, Level 4

Last edited by KrakilFrostborn
Fri, 04 Jan 2013 15:46 UTC

Faction: Angel Cartel
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Exp/EM/kin
Web/scramble: Spider drones web
Recommended damage dealing: exp
Recommended ships: Sleipnir, Golem, CNR, Raven, Domi

Warp In

Empty, acceleration gate

Pocket 1

2x Spider Drone II
2x battleships (Pith Usurper/Gist Seraphim (EM/EXP/kin direct damage + Exp cruise missiles))
4x Angel Heavy Missile Battery
*Note: The battleship spawn will depend on your space and can vary now.

Minable Asteriods:
7x Omber (175K Units Total)
17x Scordite (1.17M Units Total)

The second seraphim you kill will drop the objective can.

Gist Seraphim (1.2Mill):
Shield: 5500 EM:79% EXP:49% KIN:60% THM:69% Shield Boost Chance: 75% Amount: 355 Duration: 5
Armor: 4750 EM:79% EXP:49% KIN:60% THM:69%
Shot Defender Chance: 15%
Orbit range: 36250 m
Orbit velocity: 175 m/s
Max. Velocity: 350 m/s



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the angel bunker drops random t1 charges
-- LegoManiac (2009-03-14 01:53:59)
I saw only one pocket... unless the warp in is counted as a separate pocket.
-- RagnaValdr (2009-04-28 10:15:17)
The Gist Seraphims can be pretty stout. Tech2 Drones make pretty fast work of the Spider Drones who will be on you in seconds.
Aggregate Bounties: 2 mill ISK
-- ExileZero (2009-09-11 00:42:59)
Blitz: Fit a Large Smartbomb, MWD and Tractorbeam. Use MWD to burn towards the BS while you kill them. Once the Spider Drones orbit you, let the Smartbomb run to get rid of them quickly and tractor the Container in once the second BS is down. Works perfectly with a Marauder or a Machariel (no need for the Tractorbeam on a Macha, your ship is fast enough with MWD).
Note: Smartbombing in Highsec can your ship get blown up by CONCORD if another player in a CovOps slowboats towards you while you are doing the mission. However, in this mission you just warp in and kill the two Spiderdrones within 1 Minute or so, chances that another player scans you down, warps into your mission with a cloaky ship and then get into your SB Range is rather... null.
-- SyzGre (2011-04-09 08:57:15)
Dominix Navy Issue, T1 Light+Heavy Drones, 3x425mm+Antimatter, 2 reps
Easy, kill spiders first, BS's can hurt a little.
-- AribethThiesant (2015-03-06 20:26:28)
R and L Electronics has a IC7410
ICOM IC7410, IC-7410 , HF/50MHz w/32-bit DSP
RandL has link to Manufacturer info on the IC7410 here.
R&L has a link to the Eham review on the IC7410 here.
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