Duo of Death, Level 4

Last edited by SteelWIings:
Tip about MTU
Mon, 11 Aug 2014 03:29 UTC

Faction: Sansha
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: EM, Therm
Web/Scramble: Spider Drones (web only)
Extras: NA
Recommended damage dealing: EM (best), Therm (secondary)
Recommended ship classes: Battleship, Command Ship, HAC, Strategic Cruiser

Note: This mission can take longer than usual as you may need to travel 50-60km to retrieve the dropped Special Delivery box mission objective.
Fitting an afterburner into a slow battleship is highly recommended.

Single Pocket:

Auto-aggro from Single Group at warp-in.

Single pocket

Single Group (Auto-Aggro): (50-75km)

2x Spider Drones II
4x Sansha's Sentry Gun (Tower Sentry III)
2x Battleships (Centus Tyrant)





But they are all too scattered around, being very difficult to mine two at the same time.




Comments [Hide comments/form]
Date: 1/25/2009

7x Omber (25k)
7x Scordite (50k)
7x Veldspar (90k)
-- ChogorI (2009-01-25 13:04:31)
An Omen Navy Issue can do this fine with doubled hardners, average t2 drone skills, and an Amarr MAR. Only place where much tank is needed is when you're grabbed by the webbers. You can ignore the Sentries.
-- JackUnderhill (2009-08-14 16:10:40)
Was Able To Do It In A Drake

Never Got Below 65% Shields

7: Arbalest Heavy Missile Launchers: (ThunderBolt Heavy Missiles)
2: Large Shield Extender II
4: Shield Power Relay II
1: Magnetic Scattering Amplifier II
1: Photon Scattering Field I
1: Heat Dissipation Field I
1: Heat Dissipation Field Amplifier II
5: Hobgoblins

For Some Extra Dps Add
1: Ballistic Control System II
And Take Out The Shield Power Relay II
Shield % Will Drop To 49% To 53%
But Still Able To Tank It
-- Saitek2073 (2010-04-26 22:33:57)
Hmmm. I barely ever see comments for missions saying " Completed in Ishtar works fine. "
Seems the Ishtar is not the most popular L IV ship but I know I use it for almost every mission I do including this one and it works fine.
Dual-armor rep with a AB cap stable. Best set-up for missioning Ishtar. ;)
-- ThokiaPeacekeeper (2010-11-26 00:25:20)
In a CNR, I had to warp out (Incursion). Max skill in cruise missile and shield. Something change in this mission.
-- IvanJmar (2010-12-07 20:14:50)
@ IvanJmar the dps in this mission comes from the 2 BS, once you kill one the incoming dps drops significantly
-- AsCendancy (2011-01-09 13:23:38)
Apoc w/ resists of 83% EM, 76% TH and a Navy LAR is plenty to tank this. Each Tyrant was hitting for 80-120 every 3 secs with these resists.
-- IrodEllen (2011-01-22 10:18:04)
Recommended damage dealing is way of. Had no DPS in my Tengu with EM Missiles.. Go for Explosive or Kinetic !!

[EM] 79% [Explosive] 49% [Kinetic] 60% [Thermal] 69%
-- RelChuem (2012-04-01 09:32:43)
How to deal with Spider Drones:
1. Warp in.
2. Wait for full room aggro.
3. Launch your drones.
4. Spider drones switch target.
5. You burn to the battleships.
6. ???

Spider drones have ~0 DPS so don't worry about your hobgobs.
-- SkyBon (2012-12-10 07:49:17)
I'll add my own fyi (to remember for another mission) regarding Spider Drones: They have a significant shield tank with a good chance of repping and very high exp resist. They have a 100% webbing chance and move at 3000 m/s. They orbit 7500m at 450 m/s. They apparently (I checked my facts before this note) do a tiny amount of EM damage. Use Hobs, and plan on a bit of a wait before they go down (which is only much of a worry in some missions and if you're in an odd ship.)
-- JackUnderhill (2013-06-13 20:23:55)
12/04/2014 - Tengu - Heavy Misasails + EM ammo =10 min. Tip- approach last BS - he has your mission stuff
-- Pentagon2010 (2014-04-12 17:43:04)
R and L Electronics has a FT1900R
YAESU FT1900R, FT-1900R , 2m 55W MOBILE
RandL has link to Manufacturer info on the FT1900R here.
R&L has a link to the Eham review on the FT1900R here.
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