A Million Little Pieces, Level 3

Last edited by DesmontMcCallock
Sat, 14 Jul 2012 07:54 UTC

Faction: Gallente
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/therm
Extras: timed spawns
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic
Recommended ships: Harbinger, Drake
Gate only allows up to Command Ships (no BS)

Single Pocket

Stage aggro after 1 minute

Group 1

Distance: 35km
3x Light Missile Batteries
2x Heavy Missile Batteries

Group 2

Distance: 20-40km
4x Frigates (Federation Machaira)
4x Cruiser (Federation Praktor Optioon)

Group 3

Distance: 60km
2x Cruiser (Federation Praktor Legionarius)

The waves spawn every 1-2 minutes

First Wave

Distance: 40km
2x Cruiser (Federation Centurion/Legionarius)

Second Wave

Distance: 40km
3-4x Battlecruiser (Federation Praeco/Pezos)

Third Wave

Distance: 40km
3x Battlecruiser (Federation Praeco/Calo)

Fourth Wave

Distance: 40km
6x Frigates (Federation Pelekus/Arcus)

Fifth Wave

Distance: 40km
5x Battlecruiser (Federation Bearcus/Calo)

Sixth Wave

Distance: 40km
6x Frigates (Federation Pelekus/Praktor Phalarika)

(Optional: Destroy Communications Relay - Prevents reinforcements)
Destroy Ore Processing Plant, Warp out.

The mission objective Ore processing station drops 5 mining crystals, some ores and some cap charges.

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this mission is really hard, and if you have to warp out youll be coming back to a place where all waves have spawned
-- LordOfTheSheep (2008-12-19 09:40:23)
Ran this mission in a passive fit, t2 fit drake perma boosted. Not a problem, shield never went lower than 70% at any time. Keep an eye on drones as they gain aggro per wave.
-- ReDempTi0N (2008-12-22 15:31:16)
This mission can be blitzed as there are no web/scram dirty rats. Blow up the Ore processing station & warp out. Completed in a Drake with Caldari Navy Wrath missiles.
-- IncuSus (2009-01-06 00:02:58)
Passive fit t2 drake with rigs. It was a cake walk. Ore station takes lots of dmg.
-- TekPede (2009-01-06 23:46:09)
OK, I was bored and decided to see how much dmg it took to blow the station. The answer is 66k
-- IncuSus (2009-01-13 00:05:44)
Blowing up the 'Communications Relay' structure seems to prevent reinforcement waves from spawning. Once you take out the defenders that are there on warp in, you can destroy the station at your leisure. Completed in a T2 fit beam harbinger.
-- HutchinsLLJK (2009-11-22 14:02:38)
Just ran this mission for about the fifth time, previously found it very difficult.
This time I ran with two kinetic AND two thermic hardeners (N-Type), made the damage MUCH more managable.
-- GuzkalI (2010-01-27 21:59:16)
done with a fast sniper cyclone. staying out of their blaster range - no warp-outs needed.
ore station takes long to bring down, but drops 500 units of jaspet as loot this time.
no other loot from the structures.
and the gallente turrets there attacked me with havoc missiles, so watch your
explosive resistances...
-- RaabenFeder (2010-06-18 14:33:03)
WARNING: Average -2.4% gallente faction standing loss.
-- KarelWintersky (2010-07-31 02:50:50)
loot update for the station:
this time 500 units jaspet + 999 units plagio + 5 bistot mining crystals this time
(exact the right reprocess ore ammount)
-- RaabenFeder (2010-08-06 13:37:54)
In my run of this mission all I received from the Processing Station was cap rechargers
-- VentrethraX (2010-12-15 18:07:20)
I have gotten no loot from it a couple of times if it wasn't mission reqd I wouldn't even bother takes forever to kill
-- BcZateki (2011-05-02 01:00:04)
6 x veldspar astreroids are also present in this mission.
-- DarkAngelx (2012-06-10 02:38:20)
No standing loss if blitzed.
-- CiyaAraund (2013-01-01 07:57:27)
Confirming no standing loss if blitzed.
-- DrXenocide (2015-01-16 22:52:09)
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