Not Gneiss at All, level 4

Last edited by GouvViki:
Updated Space-Type
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 11:17 UTC

Mission type: Mining
Space type: Normal Space.
Faction: Same as the belt rats in the system

Mine 9000 units of Green Arisite (45000m3)

At warp-in, 1 asteroid of Green Arisite at 50km, it is a variant on Gneiss.

No rats present, normal belt rats will spawn while mining as per the sec status of your system.
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I didn't find any Veldspar when I went in (twice so far), just those fake roids.
One tip - if you waste any units by letting your hold fill up then you might be able to buy the balance via a contract to avoid the standing hit. If you pop the roid then it will not respawn after downtime. I'm not sure if it refreshes after downtime if you don't pop it though.
-- JackSlap (2008-09-02 01:15:45)
Also, one other point, you have to mine the whole asteroid to complete the mission. Even if you manage to get the ore from someplace else, the mission won't complete until you mine everything.
-- JackSlap (2008-09-03 00:19:47)
[quote] by JackSlap
One tip - if you waste any units by letting your hold fill up then you might be able to buy the balance via a contract to avoid the standing hit.[/quote]

Not necessary. If you're lasers overflow the hold the ore is still in the asteroid. Bring a survey scanner and you will see.
-- EonAthre (2008-11-17 14:12:49)
I discovered by trying it that you can bookmark the G.A. 'roid, warp out, and then warp back to within 10km. Saves a lot of slow motoring in your barge or exhumer, plus your indy.
-- BuilderAlphaOne (2009-01-04 19:47:15)
If you don't mine the entire roid, after reset it returns with the full 9,000 units. Mine it all and sell the excess on contracts or keep it for a future event.
-- AlientaDia (2009-10-11 11:33:14)
New with Incursion. You are no longer able to bookmark the roid and warp back to 0. It puts you at the original warp in point every time, 45km away.
-- SinisterBear (2011-02-04 20:56:06)
Mine 9,000 units of Green Arisite. (45,000 m3)

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 965000 credits

4690 loyalty points

complete the mission within 3 hours and 52 minutes. Bonus Rewards 1120000 isk

recommend 2 people: miner and hauler or jet then haul.
easier still hulk and orca
-- NakAn (2011-06-01 10:29:43)
R and L Electronics has a DMU9000
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