Oruze Osobnyk, Class 5

Last edited by BorsekLowska:
I am a very bad man.
Tue, 16 Sep 2014 09:44 UTC

Faction: Sleepers
Signature type: Cosmic Anomaly
Space type: Normal Space
Damage dealt: Omni
Webbers: Emergent Sentinel, Emergent Warden, Awakened Sentinel, Sleepless Sentinel, Sleepless Guardian
Scramblers: Emergent Sentinel, Emergent Warden, Sleepless Sentinel, Sleepless Guardian
Recommended ship classes: Capital, Battleship, T3 (7+ Remote Repair Modules)
Recommended generic setup: Multi-range, Heavy Omni-tank, Remote Repair (Spider Tanking)

All sleepers will auto aggress; Sleepers will switch targets, drones and support ships are not immune.

Single Pocket

Capital escalation waves spawn 116km from warp to 0 and 111km from the far veldspar asteroid, above and to the left of the sleeper structure, looking at it from the warp to 0. Show sensor overlay to see the initial warp to 0 location. This bookmark is hard to make correctly, so warping the initial carrier at 200km to spawn the first wave is recommended before making the bookmark.

Capital Escalation Wave 1

4164 DPS
6x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [scram, web, nos]

Capital Escalation Wave 2

5552 DPS
8x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [scram, web, nos]

Initial Group

2092 DPS
4x Frigates (Emergent Sentinel) [scram, web]
1x Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) [nos]
3x Battleship (Sleepless Sentinel) [scram, web, nos] TRIGGER (orbits at 20km)

Reinforcement Wave 1

1126 DPS
6x Cruisers (Awakened Sentinel) [web] (15km orbit)
1x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [scram, web, nos] TRIGGER (orbits at 35km)

Reinforcement Wave 2

474 DPS
4x Frigates (Emergent Keeper) [rr, nos]
2x Frigates (Emergent Warden) [scram, web, nos]
3x Cruisers (Awakened Warden) [rr] (will not burn towards you)

-Marauder Instructions-

Initial Group

2092 DPS
4x Frigates (Emergent Sentinel) [scram, web]
1x Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) [nos]
3x Battleship (Sleepless Sentinel) [scram, web, nos] TRIGGER (orbits at 20km)

Bookmark and warp to the central Sleeper Enclave or to the central thermo-eletric structure. You will land upon the group.
Kill the S. Keeper first since he will build distance on you.


Reinforcement Wave 1

1126 DPS
6x Cruisers (Awakened Sentinel) [web] (15km orbit)
1x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [scram, web, nos] TRIGGER (orbits at 35km)

They spawn at 30km. Guardian has a heavy EM missile salvo (as the other battleships), has the most HP of all BS variants, also do neut your capacitor.

1st wave

Reinforcement Wave 2

474 DPS
4x Frigates (Emergent Keeper) [rr, nos]
2x Frigates (Emergent Warden) [scram, web, nos]
3x Cruisers (Awakened Warden) [rr] (will not burn towards you)

Last wave is easy, spawns at 50km from you. Pick the cruisers while they are slowboating or snipe the frigates first (depends on your setup).

2nd wave

Comments [Hide comments/form]
Completed with no escalation waves with 2x Basilisks (4 large shield transfer/2 Large Energy) and 5 DPS battleships. Took about 12 minutes. Earned about 250 million. No wave exceeded our minimum tank DPS rating of 2000. By far the easiest of the four C5 sites, also nets the least isk (we got lucky with a T2 salvage proc and earned 250 mil, but probably 150-200 to be expected average).
-- SvodolaDarkfury (2012-08-17 02:50:52)
Soloable in a Marauder with bastion mode. 30min completion time. Yields 150mil
-- TheLegatus (2013-12-26 11:56:44)
R and L Electronics has a TS2000
KENWOOD TS2000, TS-2000 , HF+6m/2m/70cm w/IFDS
RandL has link to Manufacturer info on the TS2000 here.
R&L has a link to the Eham review on the TS2000 here.
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