Racetrack Ruckus, Level 4

Last edited by DesmontMcCallock
Sun, 29 Jul 2012 17:18 UTC

Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace (No gates)
Damage Dealt: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic (best), Thermal (secondary)
Recommended ships: Raven, CNR

Single Pocket

1st Wave (35-40km)

4x Battleships - Gallente Strike Team (Federation Covinus)

2nd Wave (35-40km)

5x Battleships - Gallente Reinforcements (Federation Covinus/Praktor Navis Praetoria/Navis Longa)

3rd Wave (35-40km)

5-7x Battleships - Gallente Reinforcements (Federation Praktor Hexeris/Praktor Praeses)

Megathrons (Federation Praktor Praeses) come to close range (15km), but all the others stay at around 45-51km.

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Each new wave appeared when I killed the last ship in the wave. There was only one occasion where they shot at my drones. The very last wave hit harder than the others.
-- MattTrader (2008-12-06 01:08:49)
Praktor Praeses is the name of the 1-2x BS (i.e. megas) in the last wave.
-- ByronMacpeiron (2009-03-29 13:23:40)
This is one of these new and overly simplistic missions coming out of CCP HQs lately. It gives max standing gain to amarr, 8.4%, but seems to give little negative standing effect for gallente, -0.02 for two of the ships in my case so my overall gallente standing didn't change.
-- StonE (2009-04-27 15:32:44)
Just turned it in and got +8,75%(with Social 5) Standing by Amarr & -1,8442% by Gallente. Combat did cost me 3x -0,02% Standing by Gallente.
-- GouvViki (2009-05-24 17:36:42)
All vessels damped occasionally, although as they were fighting at relatively close range it made little difference...

Should also be noted that you get around 25% standing increase with the Corporation of the storyline agent for this mission (with Social 5).
-- Peon155 (2009-09-14 18:09:26)
completed the mission today in a Abaddon fairly easy.
-- RemyHansen (2010-07-29 08:23:52)
As a side note, I would recommend not to underestimate the DPS of the Gallente Groups.
Especially the last wave does dish out a bit of hurt.
If you run a tanky setup it shouldnt matter,
but a gank setup will probably see some jumpy amor/shield action.
-- TalshaTalamar (2010-09-14 11:05:21)
FACTION BALANCING: My friend, Turhan Bey, tells me that he ran this mission two weeks ago. Besides the standing loss due to "Derived Modification" (unavoidable for any Storyline Mission), he also got two different losses with the Gallente Federation of -0.02% each for "Combat - Ship Kill". So, that's a total loss of -0.04% for "Combat - Ship Kill", which I consider negligible.
-- SeamusDonohue (2011-04-03 20:28:27)
Finished in 8.01.2014
Social lvl 4:
corp standing +45%
Amarr faction +9%

Gallente 2x -0.02%
This penalty was incurred for destroying Gallente Federation's Federation Navis Longa
This penalty was incurred for destroying Gallente Federation's Federation Praktor Hexeris

Loot Est price 29 mil
x9 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia I
x6 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia II
-- JaanTrag (2014-01-08 08:40:13)
R and L Electronics has a FTDX3000D
RandL has link to Manufacturer info on the FTDX3000D here.
R&L has a link to the Eham review on the FTDX3000D here.
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