Recon, level 2

Last edited by DesmontMcCallock
Sat, 14 Jul 2012 05:55 UTC

Recon (1 of 3)

Reported by: Nick Donotan
Faction: Serpentis
Mission Type: Deadspace
Damage Dealt: Kinetic/Thermal
Web/scramble: None
Extras: Dampeners: Corelum Guardian Chief SafeGuard
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended ships: Drake

Pocket 1

After 3 seconds this spawns:

First Spawn: (22-33km) (Automatic aggro)

1x Corelior Infantry (Destroyer class)
1x Corelum Guardian Chief Safeguard (Cruiser class)
1x Corelatis High Captain (Battlecruiser class)

20 seconds later spawns:

Second Spawn: (20-36km) (Automatic aggro)

1x Corelior Sentinel (Destroyer class)
1x Corelum Guardian Chief Safeguard (Cruiser class)
1x Corelum Guardian Chief Sentinel (Cruiser class)

20 seconds later spawns:

Third Spawn: (16-33km) (Automatic aggro)

1x Corelior Sentinel (Destroyer class)
1x Corelum Chief Sentinel (Cruiser class)
1x Corelum Guardian Chief Infantry (Cruiser class)

20 seconds later spawns:

Fourth Spawn: (24-38km) (Automatic aggro)

1x Corelior Artillery (Destroyer class)
1x Corelum Chief Sentinel (Cruiser class)
1x Corelatis High Captain (Battlecruiser class)

Pocket 2

After 5 seconds, this spawns:

First Spawn: (34-36km) (Automatic aggro)

4x Coreli Guardian Defender (Frigate class)
4x Corelum Guardian Chief Sentinel (Cruiser class)

20 seconds later spawns:

Second Spawn: (34-36km) (Automatic aggro)

4x Corelior Sentinel (Destroyer class)
4x Corelum Guardian Chief Sentinel (Cruiser class)

Gate at 22km.

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Apparently the ship doesn't have to be so very fast. Just completed it in a Rupture with AB II, top speed only 590 m/s. They never hit me even once. Being quick off the block seems to be more important than high top speed.
-- LiviaCatarella (2009-04-05 09:23:42)
If you have a cruiser with AB and drones use that. Get away 40km from any NPC's without damaging them. Then get them, because the bounty is high (3mio). If you take the last pocket, the same method is working well and the bounty high.

Drones makes this mission easy!
-- PeterTjordenskiold (2009-07-06 15:44:38)
Medium drones(pimped skills) still take too much time. Maybe heavies?
Bunkers in 1st pocket drop no loot.
2nd pocket has lots of veldspar roids.
-- FritsK (2009-09-18 15:28:36)
NPCs don't shoot Pods.
-- MarvinTpa (2009-10-21 15:07:42)
Excellent bounties from 80k to 260k each.
-- FacCat (2010-06-28 20:16:22)
1.525M bounty for just the first pocket. About double that in loot+salvage. Not too shabby.
-- McCovican (2011-02-10 09:01:45)
Took me a while to do this (not blitzing, and not with best skills) in a vexor with railguns and drones. Drones kept getting shot at, so had to keep pulling them in, and staying at range to reduce incoming DPS meant my rails were doing minimum damage. NPC ships have strong armor with repping which can take a bit of time to eat through. However I got over 3 million in bounties, at least the same again in loot and salvage, and in addition I picked up a Serpentis Gold Tag worth almost 5 million on its own, so for me it was worth the time it took. :)
-- CatMurdoch (2013-04-08 05:42:36)
1 pocket - The structures have no loot.
2 pocket - has 184 Veldspar asteroids. If you are not "blitzing" keep in mind about possible obstructions before you warp to a safe.
-- RolSon (2013-08-12 17:51:36)
R and L Electronics has a FT2DR
RandL has link to Manufacturer info on the FT2DR here.
R&L has a link to the Eham review on the FT2DR here.
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