Serpentis Extravaganza, level 3

Last edited by TechReviewsAndHelp
Sat, 19 Oct 2013 00:21 UTC

Faction: Serpentis
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Therm, Kinetic
Extras: Light dampening
Web/Scramble: Guardian Veterans
Recommended damage dealing: Thermal/Kinetic
Recommended ships: Drake, Jaguar, Hurricane

Pocket 1

No warp-in aggro, no triggers, no groups triggering other groups, only minor dampening.
3 Light Missile Batteriy (aggroes you if distance to them 40km or less)

Group 1: (near barren asteroid, 35km)

3x Corelum (Cruiser class)

Group 2: (near hollow asteroid, 45km)

5x Corelior (Destroyer class)

Group 3: (near station ruins, 50km)

2x Guardian Veteran (Elite Frigate class)
1x Corelum (Cruiser class)

Group 4: (near "under construction", 55km)

1x Guardian Veteran (Elite Frigate class)
2x Corelum (Cruiser class)
1x Corelatis (Battlecruiser class)

Group 5: (near the missile batteries, 80km)

3x Corelum (Cruiser class)

Group 6: (near coral rock, 60km)

4x Coreli (Frigate class)
2x Corelatis (Battlecruiser class)

Group 7: (near barren asteroid, 70km)

1x Corelum (Cruiser class)
1x Corelatis (Battlecruiser class)

Pocket 2

Aggro from 1x Gistum (Cruiser class, 13km) and 5x Tower Sentry Serpentis II (7-22km).

Pocket 3

Warp-in aggro from group 1, no triggers, no range aggro or only extremely small range (<10km)

Blitz: Kill Franz Krealo to trigger mission completion.

Group 1: (Automatic aggro, 0km)

1x Guardian Veteran (Elite Frigate class)
2x Coreli (Frigate class) WEB

Group 2: (left, 55km Solar Harvester)

3x Corelum (Cruiser class)

Group 3: (right, 50km, Rock Formation)

2x Corelior (Destroyer class)
2x Corelum (Cruiser class)

Group 4: (center front, 40km, Serpentis Bunker, Brothel, Pressure Silo)

2x Corelior (Destroyer class)
3x Corelum (Cruiser class)

Group 5: (center back, 60km, Particle Accelerator)

2x Guardian Veteran (Elite Frigate class)
1x Corelum (Cruiser)

Group 6: (bounced out of the force field, 110-130km, Serpentis Shipyard)

1x Franz Krealo (Battlecruiser class)

Bunker in 1st Pocket sometimes drops loot.
Sentry Towers in 1st Pocket may drop ammo.
Sentry Towers in 2nd Pocket may drop ammo.

Approx 1,9mil to 7,0mil in Loot & Salvage, 2,636,697 In Bounty


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anybody know if the bunker drops anything?
-- AmaruDeltmartuk (2009-01-10 14:34:50)
The bunker is empty
-- HansKraut (2009-01-21 04:19:16)
Serpentis Bunker dropped for me 27Jan09 - Cap Booster50. This is the second drop I have had.
-- ZedandMaynard (2009-01-28 01:14:08)
Serpentis Bunker in pockets 1 & 3 can drop loot.
-- WhiteRing (2009-07-20 13:43:02)
Blew up every structure in the first pocket, but none dropped loot.
Blew up every structure on the last pocket. Except the "Solar Harvester". I only got loot from the bunker which was 10x(Cap Charger 400) + 100x(Medium Iron Hybrid Ammunition). Server shut down before I could finish the Harvester off.
-- Dethbringer1 (2010-02-18 06:02:05)
Easy on my BC Hurricane. Esp with dual auto cannon. Not more then about 5 ships attacking at a time. 3.5 M rewards and about 2.7 M salvaged.
-- OrGasn (2010-09-02 19:41:25)
Destroyed the Solar Harvester once, nothing dropped.
-- ReaverGlitterstim (2011-04-06 18:35:45)
Confirmed that the harvester doesn't drop anything. Bunker in pocket 1 dropped nothing, pocket 3 bunker did, though
-- ClarinaKusoni (2011-07-27 14:51:18)
Bunker in the first pocket dropped Cap Booster 200 x 10.
-- ElemWiz (2011-12-05 16:43:45)
extremely easy mission with a "cane" bunker in the first pocket dropped Cap Booster 100 x 10.
-- SeldrichOikel (2013-03-26 13:09:19)
ran in a HAM cerb, bring an AB or even an mwd

easy just timeconsuming with 40km range on launchers
-- ReaveR894 (2013-04-20 17:25:39)
Pocket 3 Group 1
it was the Guardian Veteran, not the Coreli who webbed me.
-- HaruChan (2013-11-19 22:24:56)
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RandL has link to Manufacturer info on the FT8900R here.
R&L has a link to the Eham review on the FT8900R here.
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