Smash and Grab, Level 3 Epic Arc

Last edited by Nova13
Tue, 11 Nov 2014 03:47 UTC

This page is heavily reliant on a guide written quite a while ago, verification and updated information is much appreciated.

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Internal Security

Mission 9 - Culling the Weak (Story Arc Branch)

At this point you choose whether to investigate Kori or Irichi. Regardless of which choice you make the final reward is the same.

Mission 10A - Threat Assessment (Irichi Path)

Report to Irichi in PF-QHK.

Mission 10B - Smoke and Mirrors (Kori Path)

Faction: ???
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: ???
Web/Scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: ???

Gated complex, no guards on initial gate.

First Room

When you enter this room there will be a Guristas Warehouse that you approach, when you are withing 4km it will despawn and a Reinforcment Wave will appear. Repeat this 3 times and the 4th Guristas Warehouse will need to be destroyed. After this Eroma Eralen will spawn and you approach them to complete the mission.

Reinforcment Wave:
5x Frigate (Pithoriate)
1x Cruiser (Pithoriate)

Mission 11A - Dread Pirates (Irichi Path)

Faction: Ytiri
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Web/Scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: Kin (best), Therm (secondary)

Gated complex, no guards on initial gate.

First Room

Initial Group:
2x Ytiri Light Missile Battery

Repeating Reinforcement Wave:
2-3x Frigate (Ytiri Frigate)

The first target is the Ytiri Security Bunker. After that is destroyed drop the Dread Guristas Strike Force off in the Ytiri Storage Warehouse.

As soon as you drop off the strike force, the repeating wave will spawn. Every time you clear the wave a new one will spawn for 3 minutes until the mission completes.

You can leave one frigate alive in the reinforcement wave and just wait until the mission completes. Any remaining ships self destruct when the mission completes.

Mission 11B - Foxfire (Kori Path)

Identical to Rabbit Hole.

Mission 12A - Rabbit Hole (Irichi Path)

Faction: Caldari State
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Web/Scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: Kin (best), Therm (secondary)

Gated complex, no guards on initial gate.

First Room

12x Guristas Sentry Gun
Must be killed to cause the next acceleration gate to appear.

Second Room

Initial Group:
2x Caldari Light Missile Battery
2x Caldari Point Defense Battery Disables the Large EM Forcefield upon destruction
1x Caldari Stasis Tower

Reinforcement Wave 1:(spawns shortly after entering)
3x Frigate (Caldari Navy Frigate)
1x Destroyer (Caldari Navy Destroyer) Trigger

Reinforcement Wave 2:
3x Frigate (Caldari Navy Frigate)
2x Cruiser (Caldari Navy Cruiser)

The objective is inside the Caldari Navy Storage Bunker and drops upon its destruction.

Blitz: Kill everything in First Room. Kill all of the Caldari Point Defense Battery (drops the forcefield) and destroy the Caldari Navy Storage Bunker. Loot the can and leave.

Mission 12B - Spy Games (Kori Path)

Faction: Caldari State
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Web/Scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: Kin (best), Therm (secondary)

Gate Guard

1x Battlecruiser (Eroma Eralen)

Drops Caldari Navy Overlay Transponder that you need for this mission.

First Room

A ton of ships, all of them won't engage you.

Second Room

All the ships from the first room will come through in their groups and engage you. Each group is triggered as you get closer to the Caldari Bunker that contains the objective.

Each squadron is a group:
5x Frigate (Alpha Squadron)
5x Frigate (Bravo Squadron)
5x Frigate (Charlie Squadron)
5x Frigate (Delta Squadron)
5x Frigate (Echo Squadron)
5x Frigate (Foxtrot Squadron)
4x Frigate (Gulf Squadron)
4x Frigate (Hotel Squadron)
4x Frigate (India Squadron)
4x Frigate (Juliet Squadron)
4x Frigate (Kilo Squadron)
4x Frigate (Lima Squadron
3x Destroyer (Mike Squadron)
3x Destroyer (November Squadron)
3x Destroyer (Oscar Squadron)
1x Cruiser (Quebec Squadron)
1x Cruiser (Romeo Squadron)
1x Cruiser (Sierra Squadron)
1x Cruiser (Tango Squadron)

Blitz (tanky): Kill Eroma Eralen, loot the overlay transponder. Fly through the first room and in the second burn towards the bunker and pop the forcefield (>150 DPS required) and bunker, then loot the objective. You will be tanking all the spawns at once so this is only recommended in a semi-tanky ship.

Blitz (ninja): Fit a weapon with +15k range and a tractor beam (or two). Kite the blob of rats away from the forcefield bubble. Burn around them and back to the bunker. Destroy the bunker and tractor the containers out of the forcefield. There will probably be two, one with ammo, the other with the mission item.

This ends the arc for the Kori Path, reward is listed at the bottom.

Mission 13A - Passing the Buck (Irichi Path)

Faction: Caldari State
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Web/Scramble: None
Extras: Jamming
Recommended damage dealing: Kin (best), Therm (secondary)

Gated complex, no guards on initial gate.

First Room

There are some initial ships but they are non-hostile unless fired upon.

Shortly after depositing Lieutenant Kipo "Foxfire" Tekira into the station, the station will explode and Reinforcement Wave 1 will spawn.

Reinforcement Wave 1:
5x Frigate (State Shukuro Shinai/Shuriken)
5x Cruiser (State Bushi/Dogo)

This wave does not need to be killed and you can proceed directly through the acceleration gate.

Second Room

Initial Group:
4x Frigate (State Shukuro Shinai/Shuriken)
2x Frigate (Taibu State Shuriken/Yari) Jamming Shuriken & Trigger Yari

Reinforcement Wave 1:
3x Frigate (State Shukuro Shinai/Shuriken)
3x Destroyer (State Shukuro Choji/Kamikazi)
1x Cruiser (State Shukuro Buke)Trigger

Reinforcement Wave 2:
2x Frigate (State Shukuro Shinai)
1x Frigate (Taibu State Tachi)Jamming
2x Destroyer (State Shukuro Choji)
1x Battlecruiser (State Kerai)

After the State Kerai is destroyed, the Caldari Storage Warehouse appears. Destroy it and it will drop the objective.


1x Gila Blueprint Copy + Guristas Pirates Standing

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