Smuggler Interception, level 2

Last edited by DesmontMcCallock
Sat, 14 Jul 2012 06:05 UTC

Faction: Angel Cartel
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Exp/Kin
Recommended damage dealing: Exp/Kin
Recommended ships: Firetail, Harbinger, any BC, a T2 fitted cruiser

Single Pocket

The encounter may vary.

Group 1: (35-50km)

2x Gistii Hijacker (Frigate class)
2x Gistii Rogue (Frigate class)
2x Gistii Nomad (Frigate class)

Group 2: (35-50km)

2x Personnel Transport
4x Gistii Hijacker (Frigate class)
4x Gistii Rogue (Frigate class)
1x Gistior Defacer (Destroyer class)
1x Gistum Predator (Cruiser class)

Killing the personnel transport did NOT incur a standing penalty.


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Harbringer lol
I just did this thing in a tristan in about 20 minutes..and then made over 1M isk in salvage
-- Nixler6 (2008-11-12 19:50:40)
the structures in the area do not contain any salvage, therefore there is no need to destroy them unless you want to see the big bang.
-- WebbHost (2009-01-01 14:05:26)
Ran this in a Moa and didn't go below 98% shields, fast easy run and decent salvage.
-- NemrodTerzi (2009-04-29 09:31:37)
Decent mining, but its a slow ride to the asteroids, about 30+ km.
Veldspar around 590k
Plagicase around 180k
Pyroxeres around 250k
-- DjinnCthonic (2009-10-17 21:21:23)
DjinnCthonic is right about mining; rats that pop in the mission after it is done are a pain though.
-- IntelKnight (2009-11-26 10:23:23)
i had 20 militants left from doing this before. i ignored group 1, killed group 2 from range and mission showed up complete. i never went in to get the militants from the transports my second time.
-- BillC (2009-11-27 21:55:03)
Ran this in a Coercer (Amarr destroyer). The Blood Raider Personnel Transporter have 0% EM resistance on their shields (though lower thermal resistance on armor) so there's no reason not to use the longer range Radio S crystals. There are 2 personnel transporters. Afterburner might have been more helpful as the tranporters were at longer range. Had to use armor rep a bit while killing the transporters. The first tranporter I killed had the militants but you have to destroy the whole convoy. Remaining ships melted even with Radio S though I had to use the armor rep to stay healthy.
-- ArboLeda (2011-11-05 19:23:34)
R and L Electronics has a IC718
ICOM IC718, IC-718 , 100W HF MOBILE with AUDIO DSP
RandL has link to Manufacturer info on the IC718 here.
R&L has a link to the Eham review on the IC718 here.
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