Soft Drink Wars, Level 1

Faction: Mercenaries
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Various (Mainly Therm/Kin)
Extras: None
Web/Scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: Therm/Kin

Pocket 1

Galin Famis warps out so don't worry about trying to shoot him. Mercs will warp in to shoot you.

3x Frigates (Merc Rookies)

Pocket 2

1x merc leader
5x Frigates (Merc Rookies)
1x named (Galin Famis)

Notes: Breeding Facility will drop a large amount of slaves for you.
Note: Battlecruisers and above cannot use jump gate.

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named was Choon Mirith and the Roadhouse dropped 3 trade goods 10 units each
-- UrsaMinitora (2008-07-30 21:00:13)
I'm Gallente & the guy was named Sivance Blackish. All the wrecks yielded semi-useful stuff. But nothing necessarily worth going to EACH wreck for.
-- KnotBeer (2008-08-16 22:49:42)
Battleships cannot enter through the gate.
-- JeremyS (2008-09-18 13:47:55)
I just finished this mission from a Caldari agent ...

The "named" guy was called "Quince Nemirda", and there were three structures in the second room : Stationary Badger (no loot), Landing Pad (no loot) and Roadhouse (4 trade goods of 10 units each).

Loot and salvage was standard for a lvl 1 mission against Mercenaries (nothing to write home about), apart for a "Caldari Navy Midshipman Insigna II" in the wreck of Quince Nemirda.
-- KeryNysell (2009-02-25 04:47:59)
Battlecruisers and above cannot use jump gate.
-- ConkkerDesigns (2009-03-01 03:05:03)
Here: 3 structures: Casino - Landing Pad - Docked Bestower
Gallente mission part.
Casino has loot for example Long-limb Roes and Spiced Wine. Nothing more. Another structures are empty.
-- MrDummy (2009-05-10 05:58:19)
No Asteroids to mine.
-- MarvinTpa (2009-10-14 17:36:36)
had an stationairy badger mark2 nothing in it no wreck
-- MaronarOtichoda (2011-07-25 08:54:59)
Also had the named appear as "Galin Famis" in my Amarr faction missions.
-- InterStellarSurfer (2011-08-01 15:31:12)
For Gallente, the only structure that yielded any cargo was the Casino. "Long-limb Roes" x20 and "Tourists" x20.
-- KovikoSmith (2013-04-17 10:22:56)
maybe the mission has changed, but for me the first group was at the initial warp in point.
set your 'warp to' distance to your preferred weapon range. they spawn in right on top of the beacon. named guy is approx 30km
at warp in before first gate 3 frigs approx <3km if you warp to 0
pocket 1 .... leader, 5 frigs, named, all approx 20-25km
no problem with t1 fit low sp rifter.
used 250mm artillery and an afterburner to keep distance (phased plasma ammo) rookies dropped in 1 shot and the others in 2 or 3. barely even touched the shields (should have left the repper off and fit a damage mod). webbed anything that got within 10km and shot it next :)
structure dropped a couple of trade goods frozen food and data sheets i think (x10)
-- CinTek (2014-10-28 19:09:29)
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